Maddalena Lamura, MSc
Section: Work and Equal Opportunities
Function: Researcher
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Work and research focus:
Maddalena is a social scientist with a master’s in Socio-Ecological Economics and Policy from the Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU) and bachelor’s in economics and management. She joined ZSI in October 2024. Previously, she researched working conditions and health of platform workers in an interdisciplinary team at WU. She has experience in quantitative and mixed research methods. Her research interests span around (decent) work and social dimensions of transitions to sustainable societies. She has focused on energy justice, energy poverty and just transition in the EU.
Running and completed projects:
- Programmevaluierung „Wirksam Wachsen“ (2024)
- RurALL - Lebenswerte ländliche Gemeinden der Zukunft - Neues integriertes Governance-Modell zur Bekämpfung der Abwanderung aus den ländlichen Gebieten (2024)
- MEET - Mental Well-Being in Education for Disadvantaged Youth (2024)
- SD-Studie AT - Studie zur österreichischen Wissenschaftsdiplomatie (2021)
Other Publications:
- Lamura, M.J. (2024), Klimasoziale Instrumente. Untersuchung über den Diskurs ausgewählter sozialpolitischer Akteur*innen in Deutschland , Deutsches Institut für Interdisziplinäre Sozialpolitikforschung (DIFIS)
- Klaus, D., Lamura M.J. und Haas, B. (2024), Support and employment preferences in online platform work: A cluster analysis of German-speaking workers, International Journal of Social Welfare, 11(4).
- Klaus, D., Haas, B. und Lamura M.J. (2023), Dependency and social recognition of online platform workers: Evidence from a mixed methods study, Social Inclusion, 11(4).
- Lamura, M. J. (2022), Energy poverty across Europe: Problematisation and policy measures through the lens of energy justice. Culture, Practice & Europeanization, 7(2), 209-246.
- Foster, G.J., Lamura, M.J. and Hackel, J. (2020), Kultur-Token Sustainable Business Model: Visualizing, Tokenizing, and Rewarding Mobility Behavior in Vienna, Austria. Working Paper Series, Institute for Cryptoeconomics. WU, Vienna.
- Lamura, M.J., Soder, M. and Matzinger S. (2022), Energiearmut und Energiegerechtigkeit in Europa: Quo vadis? Arbeit und Wirtschaft (A&W) Blog.
- 2022 Conference of the European Society of Ecological Economics (ESEE), Pisa, IT
- 2022 Conference of European Network for Social Policy Analysis (EspaNet), Vienna, AT
Education and career:
2021 - 2023: Researcher, Institute for Social Policy, University of Economics and Business, Vienna
2021 - 2022: Project manager, Finance and controlling Department, Caritas Vienna
2018 – 2021: Master of Science in Socio-Ecological Economics and Policy, University of Economics and Business, Vienna
March – June 2020: Research project member, Institute for Cryptoeconomics, University of Economics and Business, Vienna: sustainable business model for a blockchain-based mobility app
September 2017 – August 2018: Volunteer, Bouillon de Cultures, Brussels: non-profit for social integration
2014 – 2017: Bachelor in Economics and Management, Ca’ Foscari University, Venice; Scholar of the International College, Minor in Sustainability.