Leonie Dworsky, MSc
Section: Work and Equal Opportunities
- Email: dworsky@zsi.at
- How stakeholder engagement can work - methodological report on approaches used to engage stakeholders in the UNTANGLED project (2024)
- European social partners’ approaches to Artificial Intelligence and Algorithmic Management (2024)
- Developments in Algorithmic Management from an IR-perspective: EU-level. Updated Version April 2024 (2024)
- Das Ökosystem für Soziale Innovation in Österreich (2024)
Work and research focus:
Leonie Dworsky has been working as a research assistant in the "Work & Equal Opportunities" department since May 2023. She completed her Master's degree in Socioeconomics at the Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU) and spent an academic semester at the University of Michigan. Previously, Leonie Dworsky worked in academic project management (IWM Vienna) and as a project-related research assistant at the Vienna University of Economics and Business. Her research interests and focus are social trust, migration and solidarity as well as the labor market and existing and new challenges in this context. Her current project work focuses primarily on social innovation and social economy.
Running and completed projects:
- SI plus - Social Innovation plus - National Competence Centres (2024)
- SI plus – Kompetenzzentrum für Soziale Innovation (2024)
- Danube4SEecosystem (2024)
- RAISE-UP - gReen and digitAl Initiative addreSsEd to dropoUts' Prevention (2023)
- Recherche für den Fonds Soziales Wien - Best-Practice-Recherche zu Demenz-Strategien und Maßnahmen (2023)
- Corona-Verständigungsprozess - Fallstudie "Distance Learning / Schulschließungen" im Auftrag der ÖAW (2023)
- INCODING - Democracy at Work through Transparent and Inclusive Algorithmic Management (2021)
- Evaluation der Projekte des AK-Digitalisierungsfonds (2021)
- UNTANGLED - Untangling the impacts of technological transformations, globalisation and demographic change to foster shared prosperity in Europe (2021)
Participation at events:
ÖAW-Symposium "Nach Corona: Was haben wir aus der Krise gelernt?" am 12.2.2024, 10-12h
- ÖAW, Dr.-Ignaz-Seipel-Platz 2, 1010 Wien
12. 02. 2024 - 12. 02. 2024