Olga Bolibok, MSc
Section: Research Policy & Development
Function: Researcher
- Email: bolibok@zsi.at
- Österreichischer Forschungs- und Technologiebericht (2024) (Primary Author)
- Austrian Research and Technology Report 2024 (2024) (Primary Author)
Work and research focus:
European integration, sustainable development, science and innovation policy, regional and industry development, education and cultural diversity. With over a decade of experience, Olga has lent her skills and knowledge to various international organizations, including the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, the College of Europe, the Reforms Delivery Office of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and the Delegation of German Industry and Commerce in Ukraine. Her roles have involved policy guidance, methodology development, project coordination, high-level event management and capacity building in the context of international cooperation and development. Olga has executed projects in collaboration with UN DESA, the European Commission, UNIDO, the World Bank, GIZ, as well as the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Germany, Denmark, Canada, and the United Kingdom's Foreign Commonwealth Office.
Running and completed projects:
- LUKE - Linking Ukraine to the European Research Area – Joint Funding and Capacity Building Platform for Enhanced Research and Innovation Cooperation (2025)
- GSF-25 - Enhancing Research Security in the EU (2025)
- MSF - Mission Service Facility (2024)
- GSF-03-AU-EU HLPD on STI - AU-EU High Level Policy Dialogue on Science Technology and Innovation - Phase II (2023)
- FTB 2023-2026 - Austrian Research and Technology Reports 2023-2026 (2022)
- BIOLOC - Biobased and social innovation to revitalise European local communities (2022)
- RuralBioUp - Empowering EU Rural Regions to scale-Up and adopt small-scale Bio-based solutions (2022)
- MSCAdvocacy - International Advocacy for the Strategic Alignment of MSCA Cooperation Mechanisms in Key Partner Countries and Regions (2022)
- ACCTING - AdvanCing behavioural Change Through an INclusive Green deal (2022)
Other Publications:
Education and career:
Olga holds degrees in IS Management, Business Economics, and Biotechnical & Medical Systems. With over a decade of international development experience, she guides Ukrainian civil servants in European integration, EU Accession Negotiations, and sustainability in the EU-funded Natolin4Capacity Building project at the College of Europe and coordinates cooperation with the Energy Community Secretariat on Green Agenda. At the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission, Olga supported National Smart Specialisation Teams of the Governments of Ukraine and Serbia in UN Global Pilot Programme on STI for SDGs Roadmaps. She managed national innovation and industry development reforms at the Reforms Delivery Office Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. Olga conducted economic surveys and organized the German-Ukrainian Economic Forum for the Delegation of German Industry and Commerce in Ukraine. As Managing Director of the Kharkiv German Center, she oversaw organizational management and coordinated international projects, forums and workshops focusing on energy efficiency, agribusiness, education and cultural development. Since 2023, Olga is a researcher in the Research Policy & Development Unit at ZSI.