
Dr. Judith Feichtinger

Section: Technology and Knowledge

Function: Scientific project manager



Work and research focus:

Sustainability, climate change, bio-economy, water management, environment and the related social innovation aspects

Running and completed projects:

Other Publications:


Schrammel Maria/ Seebacher Lisa Mo/ Feichtinger Judith (2023) Actor groups influencing and shaping sustainable microalgae value chains in Europe. In: Frontiers in Aquaculture, 2:1186325.

Feichtinger, Judith/ Stickler, Therese/ Schuch, Klaus/ Lexer, Wolfgang (2021): Sustainable development and climate change mitigation at the rural municipal level in Austria: Tracing Policy diffusion, process dynamics and political change. GAIA 30/3 (2021): 189 – 197,

Feichtinger, Judith/ Pregernig, Michael (2016): Beyond mandated participation: Dealing with hydro power in the context of the Water Framework Directive, Journal: Environmental Policy and Governance, DOI: 10.1002/eet.1699

Jager, Nicolas W./ Challies, Edward/ Kochskämper, Elisa/ Newig, Jens/ Benson, David/ Blackstock, Kirsty/ Collins, Kevin/ Ernst, Aanna/ Evers, Mariele/ Feichtinger, Judith/ Fritsch, Oliver/ Gooch, Geoffrey/ Grund, Wiebke/ Hedelin, Beatrice/ Hernández-Mora, Nuria/ Hüesker, Frank/ Huitema, Dave/ Irvine, Kenneth/ Klinke, Andreas/ Lange, Leonie/ Loupsans, Delphine/ Lubell, Mark/ Maganda, Carmen/ Matczak, Piotr/ Parés, Marc/ Saarikoski, Heli/ Slavíková, Lenka/ van der Arend, Sonja/ von Korff, York (2016) Transforming European Water Governance? Participation and River Basin Management under the EU Water Framework Directive in 13 Member States. Water, 8, 156.

Bauer, Anja/ Feichtinger, Judith/ Steurer, Reinhard (2012). The Governance of Climate Change Adaptation in 10 OECD Countries: Challenges and Approaches. Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning, 14 (3), 279-304

Feichtinger, Judith/ Pregernig, Michael (2005): Participation And/Or/Versus Sustainability? Tensions Between Procedural and Substantive Goals in Two Local Agenda 21 Processes in Sweden and Austria. European Environment, Vol. 15, No. 4, 212-227

Feichtinger, Judith/ Pregernig, Michael (2005): Imagined Citizens and Participation: Local Agenda 21 in two communities in Sweden and Austria. Local Environment, Vol. 10, No. 3, 229-242

Feichtinger, Judith (2004): Lokale Agenda 21 in Helsingborg und Wien – Stärken und Schwächen unterschiedlicher Organisationsstrukturen. SWS-Rundschau (44.Jg.) Heft 3/2004, S. 345-368.

Selected Papers for Conference:

Steurer, Reinhard/ Bauer, Anja/ Feichtinger, Judith/ (2012): The governance of climate change adaptation in ten OECD countries: Challenges, approaches and modes of governance; Symposium "The Governance of Adaptation", 22-23 March 2012, Amsterdam/Netherlands.

Bauer, Anja/ Feichtinger, Judith/ Steurer, Reinhard (2011): The Governance of Adaptation to Climate Change: Taking Stock and Providing Guidance; „Klimafolgenforschung in Österreich: Aktuelle Projekte im Überblick“, 18 May 2011, Vienna/Austria (invited presentation).

Bauer, Anja/ Feichtinger, Judith/ Steurer, Reinhard (2010): The governance of climate change adaptation in 10 OECD countries: challenges and institutional arrangements; KLIMZUG Nordhessen Konferenz “Auf dem Weg zur Modellregion – Anpassung an den Klimawandel in Nordhessen und im Waldviertel“; Universität Kassel, 7 October 2010, Witzenhausen/Germany (invited presentation).

Prutsch, Andrea/ Steurer, Reinhard/ Feichtinger, Judith/ Bauer, Anja (2010): The Governance of Adaptation to Climate Change: Taking stock and providing guidance; Climate Adaptation in the Nordic Countries: Science, Practice, Policy; Session 4.2 National adaptation policies; 8-10 November 2010, Stockholm/Sweden.

Bauer, Anja/ Feichtinger, Judith/ Steurer, Reinhard (2010): The governance of climate change adaptation in 10 OECD countries: challenges and institutional arrangements; 2010 Berlin Conference on the Human Dimensions on Global Environmental Change; Session E8 Integrating Adaptation; 8-9 October 2010, Berlin/Germany.

Fritsch, Oliver/ Feichtinger, Judith (2009): Public Participation in European Water Regulation. Good Governance or Depoliticisation? Amsterdam Conference on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change, 2.-4. Dec. 2009, Amsterdam.

Feichtinger, Judith/ Bauer, Anja (2009): Innovations in participation through EU Policies? A comparison of the changes in participation patterns in Austria through the Water Framework Directive and the Strategic Environmental Assessment Directive. ECPR General Conference, 10.-12. September 2009, Potsdam.

Ornetzeder, Michael/ Feichtinger, Judith (2008): Participatory evaluation of sustainability on the local level. Lessons from the Viennese case. Easy-Eco Conference: Governance by Evaluation: Institutional Capacities and Learning for Sustainable Development, 11-14 March 2008, Vienna.

Feichtinger, Judith/ Schnepf, Doris (2007): New Principles of Integrated Water Management from an International Perspective: Analysing Transdisciplinary Stakeholder Processes and Institutional Change . CAIWA - International Conference on Adaptive and Integrative Water Management, 12 - 15 November 2007, Basel.


Schwarzer, Steve/ Ornetzeder, Michael/ Feichtinger, Judith (2006): Sozialkapital und Nachhaltige Entwicklung. Monatsthema der österreichischen Internetplattform für Nachhaltigkeit, verfügbar unter URL:, [15.11.2006].

Feichtinger, Judith/ Gruber, Angelika/ Handler Katharina (2005): Urbane Nachhaltigkeit. Monatsthema der österreichischen Internetplattform für Nachhaltigkeit, verfügbar unter URL:, [15.11.2006].

Reference Projects:

2010 – 2012: Go-Adapt (The Governance of Adaptation to Climate Change: Taking Stock and Providing Guidance), a political science research project that aimed to provide insights on how governments address key governance challenges in the context of climate change adaptation, such as improving horizontal and vertical policy integration, coping with uncertainties, and involving stakeholders, funded by the Austrian Climate and Energy Funds ACRP programme

2007-2010: PhD-project, Political Change through the European Water Framework Directive: ambitions and reality in integrated water protection, financed by the program Provision of the Federal Ministry for Science and Research

2004 – 2007: Evaluation of the Local Agenda 21 in Vienna, based on the concept of participative evaluation with continuous feedback to involved actors to stimulate learning, carried out at ZSI, financed by the City of Vienna

2004 – 2007: Maintenance and support of the Austrian internet platform for “Sustainable Development” ( writing and researching for monthly topics, ongoing servicing of the event-calendar, editing the “Local Agenda 21-processes of the month”, carried out at ZSI

2005 – 2006: Monitoring of the project "Agricultural schools as competence centres for regional education in Moldova“ / poverty reduction on basis of the concept ”School and Community” in rural areas“ – the project was implemented by KulturKontakt Austria and commissioned by the Austrian Development Agency, the monitoring was carried out by ZSI

2004 – 2006: Monitoring of the project "Model to support agricultural vocational training in Albania at the pilot schools in Fier & Korca through the development and implementation of a regional school profile - Phase II: 2005-2006" – the project was implemented by KulturKontakt Austria and commissioned by the Austrian Development Agency, the monitoring was carried out by ZSI

Participation at events:

Education and career:

Ms. Feichtinger studied Landscape Architecture and Planning in Austria and Sweden, her studies focused mainly on environmental management, sustainable development and governance processes. Between 2004 and 2007, she worked for ZSI as research fellow in projects referring to environmental policies and sustainable development. Judith Feichtinger received her PhD within the framework of the Doctoral School for Sustainable Development at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU, 2007-2010). The dissertation focused on governance and changes in water management through the implementation of the EU-water framework directive. After the doctoral school Judith Feichtinger has worked as university assistant and lecturer at the Institute of Forest, Environmental and Natural Resource Policy. She lectured “conflict management and participation” in the context of environmental conflicts and supervised interdisciplinary research projects mainly focusing on water and climate politics (conducted from environmental and bio-resources-management students). In 2016, she returned to ZSI and implements projects related to climate change, bio-economy and environmental policies.
