Dr. Barbara Kieslinger
Section: Technology and Knowledge
Function: Project manager
- Phone: ++43-1-495 04 42 / 31
- Fax: ++43-1-495 04 42 / 40
- Email: kieslinger@zsi.at
- How to include schools in citizen science health studies: Practical experiences and lessons learned (2024)
- Co-designing pilot games with citizens and policy stakeholders to increase climate action (2024)
- Mini Data Sprints for data validity and climate conversations (2024)
- Adapting public funding schemes for participatory research: Managing expectations, overcoming structural constraints (2023)
- Participatory Evaluation and Impact Assessment in Citizen Science (2022)
- Participatory evaluation practices in citizen social science: Insights from three case studies (2022) (Primary Author)
- Editorial: Participatory Evaluation and Impact Assessment in Citizen Science (2022)
- Transformation messen und verstehen: partizipative Evaluationsansätze für Citizen Science (2022) (Primary Author)
- ‘Hard to reach’ or ‘easy to ignore’. Strategies and reflections on including co-researchers (2021-04-01)
- Evaluation in Citizen Science: The Art of Tracing a Moving Target (2021)
- The Covid-19 Response From Global Careables Makers (2021) (Primary Author)
- Citizen-Based Air Quality Monitoring: The Impact on Individual Citizen Scientists and How to Leverage the Benefits to Affect Whole Regions. (2020)
- Evaluating Citizen Science (2017)
- Supporting Learning and Development in the Public Sector (2017)
- User Experiences Around Sentiment Analyses, Facilitating Workplace Learning (2017)
- The Evaluation of Citizen Science. Recommendations for Policymaking from the Austrian Citizen Science Conference 2017 (2017)
- Reducing Ozone Pollution with Citizen Science (2016)
- Adding a Social Perspective to Workplace Learning Analytics (2016)
- Citizen Science Typologies (2016)
- New publication on academic peer pressure in social media (2015)
- Kriterienkatalog zur Bewertung von Citizen Science Projekten und Projektanträgen (2015)
- Beitrag zur Publikation des BMWFW zum "Jahr der Forschung": "Responsible Science" (2015)
- White Paper on Citizen Science for Europe (2014)
- The Role of Facilitation in Technology-Enhanced Learning for Public Employment Services (2014)
- Web 2.0, Social Software und die neue Art der sozialen Vernetzung im Netz (2011)
- iCamp - The Educational Web for Higher Education (2006-10)
- iCamp: a cross-cultural research approach (2006-08)
- Social software for professional learning (2006-07)
- Adapting to Changing Landscapes in Education (2006-06)
- An approach in provision of interoperability... (2006-02)
- iCamp: The Educational Web for Higher Education (2006)
- D1.1 - iCamp pedagogical approach and theoretical background (2006)
- D6.0 - iCamp Project Presentation (2006)
- A Conceptual Approach to Open Learning Environments (2006)
Work and research focus:
Dr. Barbara Kieslinger is a senior scientist at the Centre for Social Innovation, Vienna, Austria. She is currently managing EC-funded projects that explore the social, transformative potential of the global maker community as well as assessing and implementing participatory research, such as Citizen Science. Previously, she was coordinating a set of research activities in eLearning focusing on the analysis of workplace learning processes and on public participation processes, such as Citizen Science. Barbara applies participatory methods during the design and evaluation process. She is member of the board of directors of ECSA, the European Citizen Science Association, a regular external expert for the European Commission as well as reviewer for scientific journals and conferences.
Key words: International research project management, e-learning, online social networking processes, participation processes, citizen science
ResearchGate Profile: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Barbara_Kieslinger
Running and completed projects:
- make-a-thek (2025, project leader)
- RIECS-Concept (2025, project leader)
- GREAT - Games Realising Effective and Affective Transformation (in societal and cultural domains) (2023, project leader)
- InChildHealth - InChildHealth (2022)
- ECS - European Citizen Science (2022, project leader)
- mAkE - African European Maker Innovation Ecosystem (2022, project leader)
- Critical Making (2021, project leader)
- TIME4CS (2021)
- CoAct - Codesigning Citizen Social Science for Collective Action (2020)
- REINFORCE - REsearch INfrastructures FOR Citizens in Europe (2019)
- EU-Citizen.Science - The European Citizen Science Platform (2019)
- Careables - Open and Inclusive Healthcare for Citizens Based on Digital Fabrication (2018, project leader)
- Evaluierungsstudie Sparkling Science (2017, project leader)
- CAPTOR - Collective Awareness Platform for Tropospheric Ozone Pollution (2016)
- MAKE-IT - Collective Awareness Platforms for the Maker Movement: Peer Production, Value Creation and Governance (2016)
- ODS - Open Digital Science (2015)
- „Young Science Zentrum“ - Sondierungs- und Evaluationsstudie (2014)
- EmployID (2014, project leader)
- SOCIENTIZE - Society as e-Infrastructure through technology, innovation and creativity (2012)
- GLOBAL excursion (2011)
- Covenant capaCITY (2011)
- Access to Higher Education (2009)
- ROLE - Responsive Open Learning Environments (2009)
- IntelLEO (2009)
- STELLAR Network of Excellence (2009)
- REVIVE - Reviewing and Reviving Existing VET Curriculum (2008)
- LEMAIA (2007)
- e-START (2007)
- iCamp - innovative, inclusive, interactive & intercultural learning campus (2005, project leader)
- SEE-Innovation - Facilitating innovation for ICT SMEs in South Eastern Europe (2005)
- PARCEL - Participatory Communication Activities on e-Learning (2005, project leader)
- IS2WEB - Extending Information Society Networks to the Western Balkan Region (2005)
- Embedding Standards (2004, project leader)
- ProLearn (2004, project leader)
- ELENA - Creating a Smart Space for Learning (2002, project leader)
Other Publications:
Watson, P., Koller, K., Iwendi, C., Fabian, C., Hollins, P., & Kieslinger, B. (2024). Exploring the concept of Mini Data Sprints as a methodology to assess data validity and stimulate climate conversation. IEEE CTSoc International Conference on Gaming, Entertainment & Media (GEM), Turin, Italy. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.11072146
Yau, J. Y.-K., Drachsler, H., Griffiths, D., Paul Hollins, Kube, D., Keislinger, B., Koller, K., Fabian, C., Zachariou, A., & Merry, A. (2024). Co-designing pilot games with citizens and policy stakeholders to increase climate action. IEEE CTSoc International Conference on Gaming, Entertainment & Media (GEM), Turin, Italy. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.11068891
Hollins, P., Iwendi, C., Ashby, L., McGhee, P., Ower, J., Drachsler, H., Griffiths, D., Burgoss, D., Keislinger, B., Egenfeldt Nielson, S., & Zachariou, A. (2023). The Games Realising Effective & Affective Transformation (GREAT) Project – A pathway to sustainable impact on climate change policy. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7802845
Schaefer, T., Kieslinger, B., and Fabian, C. M. (2023). Supporting Citizen Science in Research Performing Organisations: which institutional changes can facilitate this process and how can they be monitored? PoS, ACSC2022, https://doi.org/10.22323/1.407.0018
Marschalek, I.. Kieslinger, B., Schürz, S., Schaefer, T. (2023). Adapting public funding schemes for participatory research: Managing expectations, overcoming structural constraints. PoS, ACSC2022, https://doi.org/10.22323/1.407.0027
Sipos, Regina, Åkerman, Maria, Saari, Hanna, & Kieslinger, Barbara. (2022). Critical Making Responsibility Framework. Extending an Academic Proposal to Support Reflexivity in Maker Communities. Proceedings of the Fab 17 Research Papers Stream, 57–71. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7432068
Mayer, K., Schürz, S., Kieslinger, B., & Schaefer, T. (2022). Participatory evaluation and impact assessment in citizen science. Journal for Research and Technology Policy Evaluation, (54), 5-9. DOI: 10.22163/fteval.2022.566
Kieslinger, B., Mayer, K., Schaefer, T., & Schuerz, S.. (2022). Whitepaper on Co-evaluation of Citizen Social Science. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7139025
Kieslinger, Barbara, Schürz, Stefanie, Mayer, Katja, & Schäfer, Teresa. (2022). Participatory Evaluation Practices in Citizen Social Science: Insights from Three Use Cases. fteval Journal.2022.567. Vol. 53, pp. 10-19. DOI: 10.22163/fteval.2022.567
Mayer, K., Schürz, S., Kieslinger, B. und Schäfer, T. (2022). Transformation messen und verstehen: partizipative Evaluationsansätze für Citizen Science. In: Howaldt, J., Kreibich, M., Streicher, J. und Thiem, C. (Hrsg.): Zukunft gestalten mit Sozialen Innovationen. Neue Herausforderungen für Politik, Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft. Campus-Verlag. S. 207-223.
Saari, H.; Åkerman, M.; Kieslinger, B.; Myllyoja, J.; Sipos, R. How Open Is the Maker Movement? Integrative Literature Review of the Openness Practices in the Global Maker Movement. Sustainability 2021, 13, 13559. https://doi.org/10.3390/su132413559
Haklay M., Fraisl D., Greshake Tzovaras B., Hecker S., Gold M., Hager G., Ceccaroni L., Kieslinger B., Wehn Uta, Woods S., Nold C., Balázs B., Mazzonetto M., Ruefenacht., Shanley L. A., Wagenknecht K., Motion A., Sforzi A., Riemenschneider D., Dorler D., Heigl F., Schaefer T., Lindner A., Weißpflug M., Mačiulienė M. and Vohland K. (2021). Contours of citizen science: a vignette study. R. Soc. open sci.8:202108 https://doi.org/10.1098/rsos.202108
Wöhrer, V., Buchner, T., Kerschhofer-Puhalo, N., Kieslinger, B., Mayer, K., Schürz,S., Streicher, B., Truckenbrodt, S. (2021). ‘Hard to reach’ or ‘easy to ignore’. Strategies and reflections on including co-researchers. PoS. DOI: 10.22323/1.393.0017
Hager, G., Kieslinger, B., Hecker, S., Haklay, M. (2021). The characteristics of citizen science in a fishbowl. PoS. DOI: 10.22323/1.393.0024
Kieslinger B, Schaefer T, Fabian CM, Biasin E, Bassi E, Freire RR, Mowoh N, Arif N and Melis P (2021) Covid-19 Response From Global Makers: The Careables Cases of Global Design and Local Production. Front. Sociol. 6:629587. doi: 10.3389/fsoc.2021.629587
Schaefer, T., Kiesinger, B., Brandt, M., van den Bogaert, V., (2021). Evaluation in Citizen Science: The Art of Tracing a Moving Target, in: Vohland, K. et al. (eds.), The Science of Citizen Science. e-Book. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-58278-4
Heigl, F., Kieslinger, B., Paul, K.T., Uhlik, J., Frigerio, D. and Dörler, D., 2020. Co-Creating and Implementing Quality Criteria for Citizen Science. Citizen Science: Theory and Practice, 5(1), p.23. DOI: http://doi.org/10.5334/cstp.294
Haklay, Muki, Motion, Alice, Balázs, Bálint, Kieslinger, Barbara, Greshake Tzovaras, Bastian, Nold, Christian, … Wehn, Uta. (2020, April 1). ECSA's Characteristics of Citizen Science. Zenodo. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3758668
Schaefer, T, Kieslinger, B and Fabian, CM. 2020. Citizen-Based Air Quality Monitoring: The Impact on Individual Citizen Scientists and How to Leverage the Benefits to Affect Whole Regions. Citizen Science: Theory and Practice, 5(1): 6, pp. 1–12. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5334/cstp.245
Kopp, T., Kinkel, S., Schäfer, T., Kieslinger, B. and Brown, A. (2020), "Measuring the impact of learning at the workplace on organisational performance", International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJPPM-12-2018-0443
Schaefer T., Kieslinger B. (2019) Citizen Science: Different Scopes of Citizens’ Involvement in Research. In: Carayannis E. (eds) Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Springer, New York, NY
Heigl, F., Kieslinger, B., Paul, K.T., Uhlik, J., Dörler, D. (2019). Opinion: Toward an international definition of citizen science. PNAS April 23, 2019 116 (17) 8089-8092; https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1903393116
Bimrose, J., Brown, A., Mulvey, R., Kieslinger, B., Fabian, C., Schaefer, T., Kinkel, S., Kopp, T., Dewanti, R. (2018). Transforming identities and co-constructing careers of career counsellors. Journal of Vocational Behaviour. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jvb.2018.07.008
Kieslinger, B., Tschank, J., Schaefer, T., Fabian, C.M. (2018). Working in increasing isolation? How an international MOOC for career professionals supports peer learning across distance. Internationl Journal of Advanced Corporate Learning (iJAC), Vol 11, Issue 1, http://online-journals.org/index.php/i-jac/article/view/9117
Kieslinger, B., Schäfer, T., Heigl, F., Dörler, D., Richter, A. & Bonn, A. (2018). Evaluating Citizen Science: Towards an open framework. In: Hecker, S. et al. (eds.), Citizen Science – Innovation in Open Science, Society and Policy. London: UCL Press.
Heigl, F., Dörler, D., Bartar, P., Brodschneider, R., Cieslinski, M., Ernst, M., … Ziegler, D. (2018, March 30). Quality Criteria for Citizen Science Projects on Österreich forscht | Version 1.1. https://doi.org/10.31219/osf.io/48j27
Kieslinger, B., Schäfer, T., Heigl, F., Dörler, D., Richter, R., Bonn, A. (2017). The Challenge of Evaluation: An Open Framework for Evaluating Citizen Science Activities. SocArXiv. September 20. http://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/ENZC9
Voigt, C., Kieslinger, B., Schäfer, T. (2017). User Experiences Around Sentiment Analyses, Facilitating Workplace Learning, in: Human-Computer Interaction International Conference. Vancouver, Canada, 9-14 July. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-58562-8_24
Kroop, S., Schäfer, T., Kieslinger, B. (2016) The CAPTOR project: Joint Efforts Reducing Ozone Pollution. Front. Environ. Sci. Conference Abstract: Austrian Citizen Science Conference 2016. doi: 10.3389/conf.FENVS.2016.01.00010
Attwell, G., Kieslinger, B., Blunk, O., Schmidt, A., Schäfer, T., Jelonek, M., Kunzmann, C., Prilla, M., Renard, C. (2016). Workplace Learning Analytics for Facilitation in European Public Employment Services. In: LAK 2016 Workshop on Learning Analytics for Workplace and Professional Learning.
Schäfer, T., Kieslinger, B., (2016). ‘Supporting emerging forms of citizen science: a plea for diversity, creativity and social innovation’. Journal of Science Communication (JCOM) 15 (02), Y02.
Kieslinger, B., Schäfer, T., Fabian, C.M., (2015). Kriterienkatalog zur Bewertung von Citizen Science Projekten und Projektanträgen. Studie im Auftrag des Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Wirtschaft (bmwfw).
Kieslinger, B. (2015). Academic peer pressure in social media: Experiences from the heavy, the targeted and the restricted user. First Monday, 20(6). doi:10.5210/fm.v20i6.5854
Holocher-Ertl, T., Kieslinger, B., (2015): Citizen Science: BürgerInnen schaffen Innovationen. In Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft im Dialog: Responsible Science. Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Wirtschaft (bmwfw).
Serrano Sanz, F., Holocher-Ertl, T., Kieslinger, B., García, F.S. and Cândida G. Silva (2014): White Paper on Citizen Science in Europe. Socientize Consortium.
Jenny Bimrose, Alan Brown, Teresa Holocher-Ertl, Barbara Kieslinger, Christine Kunzmann, Michael Prilla, Andreas P. Schmidt, Carmen Wolf (2014): The Role of Facilitation in Technology-Enhanced Learning for Public Employment Services. International Journal of Advanced Corporate Learning (iJAC), vol. 7, no. 3, 2014, pp. 56-65.
Jenny Bimrose, Alan Brown, Teresa Holocher-Ertl, Barbara Kieslinger, Christine Kunzmann, Michael Prilla, Andreas Schmidt, Carmen Wolf (2014): Introducing learning innovation in public employment services. What role can facilitation play? Proceedings of International Conference on E-Learning at the Workplace (ICELW) 2014, New York City, USA.
Holocher-Ertl, T., Kieslinger, B., Fabian, C.M. (2013): Motivational drivers and barriers for computer-supported learning processes between schools and scientific institutions, MATEL 2013 Workshop @ ECTEL, Cyprus.
SOCIENTIZE Consortium (2013), “Green paper on citizen science citizen science for Europe: Towards a better society of empowered citizens and enhanced research”, SOCIENTIZE Project, http://ec.europa.eu/newsroom/dae/document.cfm?doc_id=4121
Kieslinger, B. (2013): Social media usage of researchers working in the field of Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL). Dissertation. Alpen-Adria University, Austria.
Kieslinger, B., Holocher, T., Fabian, C. M., Gallego D., Aguirre, S., Barras, E., Mihai, G., (2013): Virtual Excursions: a new way to explore Science in class, International Conference on New Perspectives in Science Education.
Holocher-Ertl, T., Kieslinger, B., Fabian, C.M. (2012): Designing for the users or with the users? A participatory design approach for science teaching in schools. In Proceedings of the 2012 eChallenges Annual Conference.
Holocher-Ertl, T., Kieslinger, B., Fabian, C.M. (2012): Linking Schools with Science: How Innovative Tools Can Increase the Effectiveness of Science Teaching in the Classroom. In Proceedings of the 2012 EDEN Annual Conference, June 2012, Porto, Portugal.
Kieslinger, B., Ebner, M., Wiesenhofer, H., (2011) Microblogging Practices of Scientists in eLearning: A Qualitative Approach. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET) Vol. 6, No. 4. ISSN: 1863-0383.
Kieslinger, B., Ebner, M., (2011) A Qualitative Approach towards Discovering Microblogging Practices of Scientists. Proceedings of ICL2011 Conference, September 21-23, Pieštany, Slovakia.
Holocher, T., Kieslinger, B., Fabian, C.M. (2011): Applying Participatory Methods to Address Motivational Aspects in Informal Workplace Learning. International Journal of Advanced Corporate Learning (iJAC), Vol 4, No 1, ISSN: 1867-5565
Kieslinger, B. (2011) Lernen im sozialen multimedialen Netzwerk. In: Zentrum für Soziale Innovation (Ed.), Pendeln zwischen Wissenschaft und Praxis. ZSI-Beiträge zu sozialen Innovationen. LIT Verlag.
Holocher-Ertl, T., Kieslinger, B., (2011) Partizipatives Design als Innovation im Wissensmanagement. In: Zentrum für Soziale Innovation (Ed.), Pendeln zwischen Wissenschaft und Praxis. ZSI-Beiträge zu sozialen Innovationen. LIT Verlag.
Holocher-Ertl, T., Kieslinger, B. & Fabian, C.M. (2010). Participatory methods and their implications in collaborative workplace learning. In Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2010 (pp. 7-15). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.
Holocher, T., Kieslinger, B., Fabian, C.M. (2010): How to motivate participation in informal workplace learning: Participatory methods and their implications, ICELW 2010, June 2010, New York, NY, USA.
Kieslinger, B., Pata, K., Fabian, C.M. (2009). A Participatory Design Approach for the Support of Collaborative Learning and KnowledgeBuildingin Networked Organizations. International Journal of Advanced Corporate Learning (iJAC), Volume 2, Issue 3. ISSN: 1867-5565
Kieslinger, B., Fiedler, S. Fabian, C.M. (2009). iCamp – Exploring the use of Social Software in higher Education. Edulearn 2009 Conference, 6.-8. July 2009, Barcelona, Spain
Kieslinger, B., Pata, K., Fabian, C.M. (2009). Participatory Design Methods for Learning and Knowledge Sharing Activities in Networked Organizations.ICELW 2009 Conference, 10.-12. June 2009, New York City, USA.
Karolina Grodecka, Fridolin Wild, Barbara Kieslinger (Eds.), (2008). How to Use Social Software in Higher Education, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Akapit, Kraków, ISBN 978-83-60958-28-5.
D. Stokić, et al., "Intelligent Learning Extended Organizations", Proceedings of the Technology Enhanced Learning Conference 2008 (TELearn2008), Hanoi, Vietnam, December 2008. (CD Edition).
Kieslinger, B., Pata, K. (2008). Am I Alone? The Competitive Nature of Self-reflective Activities in Groups and Individually. In Proceedings of the World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications (ED-MEDIA 2008), AACE, Vienna, Austria, July 2008.
Kieslinger, B., Gillet, D. (2008). How Social is my Personal Learning Environment (PLE). Symposium. In Proceedings of the World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications (ED-MEDIA 2008), AACE, Vienna, Austria, July 2008.
Barbara Kieslinger, Margit Hofer, Yiwei Cao, Karsten Ehms, Sebastian Fiedler, et al. (2007). Case Study on social software in distributed working environments. Research report of the ProLearn Network of Excellence (IST 507310), Deliverable 15.2. 2007.
Kieslinger, B., Fiedler, S., Wild, F., and Sobernig, S. (2006). iCamp: The Educational Web for Higher Education in an Enlarged Europe. In P. Cunningham, and M. Cunningham (Eds.): Exploiting the Knowledge Economy: Issues, Applications, Case Studies. Amsterdam: IOS Press, pp. 1440-1448.
Rutkauskiene, D., Volungeviciene, A., Rutkauskas, G., Kieslinger, B. (2006I. A Conceptual Approach to Open Learning Environments via User Stories. In: V. Uskov (Ed.) “Computers and Advanced Technology in Education” IASTED CATE conference proceedings 2006 (pp. 242-249), Lima, Peru. Anaheim, Calgary, Zurich. ACTA Press
Kieslinger, B., Fiedler, S. (2006). Adapting to Changing Landscapes in Education. Proceedings of Microlearning 2006, Innsbruck, Austria, June 8-9, 2006
Kieslinger, B., Fiedler, S. (2006). iCamp: a cross-cultural research approach for a cross-cultural learning design. Proceedings of eLearningAP2006, Bangkok, Thailand, August 3-4, 2006
Klamma, R., Chatti, M. A., Duval, E., Fiedler, S., Hvannberg, E. T., Kaibel, A., Kieslinger B., et al. (2006). Social software for professonal learning: examples and research issues. ICALT 2006, Kerkrade, The Netherlands, July 2006.
Fiedler, S. & Kieslinger, B. (2006). Social Software in Professional Learning Environments. EDEN 2006, Vienna, Austria, June 2006.
Kieslinger, B., Wild, F., Arsun, O. (2006). “iCamp – The Educational Web for Higher Education” in Proceedings of First European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning Conference, EC-TEL 2006, Crete ,Greece, October 1-4, 2006
L. Weruaga and B. Kieslinger, “Tikhonov training of the CMAC neural network,” IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, vol. 17, no.3, pp. 613-622, May 2006.
Jerman-Blažic B., KlobučarT., Arh T., Kieslinger B., Wild F., Lai-Chong Law, E.: “An approach in provision of interoperability of eLearning systems in enlarged EU – the case of iCamp project” in Proceedings of AICT’06 of the IEEE Computer Society Press, 2006.
Simon B., Treiblmaier H., Pauritsch G., Kieslinger B.: Kritische Erfolgsfaktoren des Fortbildungsmanagements - Eine Studie an Qualifizierungsmaßnahmen für Arbeitssuchende. In: Sindler, A. (Hrsg.): Qualitätssicherung im eLearning. Münster 2006: Waxmann.
Kieslinger B. “Working and Learning in the Knowlege Age: Some Challenges for Workers and Companies” in Proceedings of eLearning Conference 2005, Brussels.
Kieslinger B., Hofer M.: “Dissemination of a TEL Network: Strategies of dissemination and implementation of the Prolearn research network”, in Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Information and Communication Technologies, Cape Town, South Africa. Jan 3-6, 2005. ACM Press. ISBN 0-9544145-6-X
Kieslinger B., Simon B., Gunnarsdóttir S., “Increasing Effectiveness of Corporate Training Management – New Tools for Human Resource Development” in Proceedings of the ICL Conference, Villach 2004
Simon B., Kieslinger B., Löpfe D., and Schmidt G., Stand der IT-Unterstützung von Bildungscontrollingprozessen. Vienna: ELENA Whitepaper, 2004.
Dolog P., Kieslinger B., Miklos Z., Olmedilla D., and Simon B.: Creating Smart Spaces for Learning, DigiCULT.Info (ISSN 1609-3941), (7) 2004.
Gunnarsdóttir S., Heimerl U., Kieslinger B., Simon B., and Tsiortou S., Current Issues of Training Management in European Enterprises: ELENA Whitepaper, available at http://www.elena-project.org/hr-dev/training-management.pdf, 2004.
Gunnarsdottir S., Kieslinger B., Küchler T., and Simon B., “From e-Learning to Learning Management: Results of an International Survey,” in Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Knowledge Management. Graz, Austria, 2004.
Kieslinger B. and Simon B., “Smart Spaces for Learning: A new Tool for Effective Human Resource Development,” in: Researching Technology for Tomorrow's Learning: Insights from the European Research Community, M. Kelleher, A. Haldan, and E. Kruizing, Eds. Bilthoven, The Netherlands: CIBIT, 2004.
Kieslinger B., Simon B, Vrabic G., Neumann G., Quemada J., Henze N., Gunnersdottir S., Brantner S., Kuechler T., Siberski W., Nejdl W. “ELENA - Creating a Smart Space for Learning”. Late-Breaking topics session at International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2002), Sardinia, Italy, June 2002.
Kieslinger B.: “Stylistic analysis of Spanish borrowings in the American press”, 164 Bl. Wien, Univ., Dipl.-Arb., 1998.
Participation at events:
Transforming Climate Policy Engagement with Role-Playing Games
- Online
26. 09. 2024 - 27. 09. 2024 -
Game on: Exploring Game-Based Tools for Citizen Engagement in Climate Research and Policy
03. 04. 2024 - 06. 04. 2024 -
ZSI focus session at ECSA
- Wien
03. 04. 2024 - 03. 04. 2024 -
Game-based research for climate change: Presentation at the APA Division 34 conference
- Online
19. 10. 2023 - 20. 10. 2023 -
Participatory Evaluation in Citizen Science
- Krems, hybrid and online
27. 09. 2021 - 29. 09. 2021 -
Participatory evaluation in citizen science
- Online
12. 05. 2021 - 12. 05. 2021 -
Critical Making Workshop
25. 03. 2021 - 25. 03. 2021 -
Webinar: Co-shaping evaluation in Citizen Science?
27. 01. 2021 - 27. 01. 2021 -
Citizen Science SDG Conference
- Kulturbrauerei Berlin
14. 10. 2020 - 15. 10. 2020 -
Österreichische Citizen Science Konferenz
- Online
14. 09. 2020 - 16. 09. 2020 -
European Citizen Science Association Conference 2020
- Exclusively online due to Covid-19
06. 09. 2020 - 11. 09. 2020 -
ICT 2018: Imagine Digital – Connect Europe
- Austria Centre Vienna
04. 12. 2018 - 06. 12. 2018 -
BILAT USA 4.0 Citizen Science Workshop 2018
- Venice, Italy
29. 11. 2018 - 29. 11. 2018 -
3. Österreichische Citizen Science Konferenz 2017
- AGES, Spargelfeldstraße 191, 1220 Wien
02. 03. 2017 - 03. 03. 2017 -
Open Evaluation 2016
- Tech Gate Vienna, Donau-City-Straße 1, A-1220 Vienna
24. 11. 2016 - 25. 11. 2016 -
Public Employment Services: Symposium in London
- London, UK
16. 10. 2015 - 16. 10. 2015 -
European Researchers’ Night 2015
- Wiener Aula der Wissenschaften, Wollzeile 27a, 1010 Wien
25. 09. 2015 - 25. 09. 2015 -
Social Software in der Bildung - Fachtagung
- Wien
02. 03. 2007 - 02. 03. 2007 -
Fit für das digitale Zeitalter!
- Wien, Festsaal des bm:bwk, Freyung 1
21. 10. 2005 -
PROLEARN Workshop during I-KNOW 05'
- Graz
29. 06. 2005 - 01. 07. 2005