Dr. Margit Hofer
Section: Technology and Knowledge
Function: Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
- Email: hofer@zsi.at
- Social Labs in Public Engagement Processes for RRI (2023)
- Social labs as good practice for transdisciplinary engagement processes in research and innovation (2023)
- The social lab as a method for experimental engagement in participatory research (2022)
- The Social Lab Approach - Experiences from First Hand (2021)
- Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI): A Critical Reflection Toward Evaluation Standards (2019)
- Interactive reflection trainings on RRI for multiple stakeholder groups (2017)
- Developing tools for RRI (2015)
- NanOpinion – Engaging beyond the scientific community (2015) (Primary Author)
- Older people's needs and requirements for social network platforms (2011)
Work and research focus:
Kollaborative, partizipative Methoden (Co-Creation, Social Labs, ... ) und Innovation
Bioökonomie und Nachhaltigkeit
Open Hardware Development (OHD)
Verantwortungsvolle Forschung und Innovation (RRI)
Transparente Wissensvermittlung und Dialog
Pädagogik und Didaktik im Bereich Technology Enhanced Learning
Internationales Projektmanagement
Running and completed projects:
- LAUDS factories - Local Accessible Urban Digital and Sustainable Factories: New European Bauhaus Approach to Open and Decentralised Urban Manufacturing (2024)
- DataMite - Data Monetization, Interoperability, Trading & Exchange (2023, project leader)
- RuralBioUp - Empowering EU Rural Regions to scale-Up and adopt small-scale Bio-based solutions (2022, project leader)
- Engage4BIO - Better understanding, intensified engagement, training and development in regional bio-based systems (2022, project leader)
- Transition2BIO - Support the TRANSITION towards the BIOeconomy for a more sustainable future through communication, education and public engagement (2021)
- OPEN!NEXT - Company-Community Collaboration for Open Source Development of products and services (2019)
- BLOOM - Boosting European citizens knowledge and awareness of bioeconomy (2017)
- DOIT - Digital fabrication and making for social innovators (2017)
- NewHoRRIzon - NewHoRRIzon: Excellence in science and innovation for Europe by adopting the concept of Responsible Research and Innovation (2017)
- eCraft2Learn - Digital Fabrication and Maker Movement in Education (2017)
- MAKE-IT - Collective Awareness Platforms for the Maker Movement: Peer Production, Value Creation and Governance (2016)
- SeeingNano (2014)
- RRI tools - Responsible Research and Innovation Tools (RRI TOOLS) (2014)
- ELIA (2011)
- GLOBAL excursion (2011)
- Covenant capaCITY (2011)
- Go-myLife (2010)
- ROLE - Responsive Open Learning Environments (2009)
- GLOBAL - Global Linkage Over BroadbAnd Links (2008, project leader)
- EULAKS - Connecting Socio-Economic Research on the Dynamics of the Knowledge Society (2008)
- Forschungsdialog (2007, project leader)
- iCamp - innovative, inclusive, interactive & intercultural learning campus (2005)
- PARCEL - Participatory Communication Activities on e-Learning (2005)
- ProLearn (2004)
Other Publications:
Unterfrauner, E., Voigt, C. & Hofer, M. The effect of maker and entrepreneurial education on self-efficacy and creativity. Entrep Educ (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s41959-021-00060-w
Unterfrauner,E., Hofer,M., Pelka, B., Zirngiebl, M. (2020). A New Player for Tackling Inequalities? Framing the Social Value and Impact of the Maker Movement. Digital Inclusion Across the Globe: What Is Being Done to Tackle Digital Inequities?Vol 8, No 2 (2020)
Unterfrauner, E., Hofer, M. & Voigt, C. (2019). Evaluation results phase 2, Deliverable 6.9 of the Horizon 2020 project DOIT, EC grant agreement no 770063, Vienna, Austria: Centre for Social Innovation.
Marschalek I., Handler K., Hofer M., Schrammel M., Unterfrauner E. (2019) Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI): A Critical Reflection Toward Evaluation Standards. In: Carayannis E. (eds) Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Springer, New York, NY
Unterfrauner, E., Voigt, C., Hofer, M. (2019). Participative evaluation with children in educational maker projects: Experiences from a pilot action. p 194-197. In: C&T '19 Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Communities & Technologies - Transforming Communities
Vienna, Austria — June 03 - 07, 2019
Unterfrauner, E., Hofer, M., Voigt, C. & Mair, S. (2019). Evaluation results phase 1, Deliverable 6.2 of the Horizon 2020 project DOIT, EC grant agreement no 770063, Vienna, Austria: Centre for Social Innovation.
Voigt, C., Unterfrauner, E., Aslan, T. & Hofer, M. (2019). Design Thinking with Children: The Role of Empathy, Creativity and Self-Efficacy. Presentation at the FabLearn Flagship Conference New York.
Voigt, C., Hofer, M., & Schön, S. (2018). Innovation management in schools: Barriers and enablers to making as educative practice. In Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI). Lüneburg, GER.
Unterfrauner, E., Hofer, M., Schrammel, M. & Fabian, C.M. (2017). The environmental value of the Maker movement. Skiathos: ERSCP conference (presentation).
Unterfrauner, E., Schrammel, M., Hofer, M., Fabian, C.M., Voigt, C., Deljanin, S.R., Sorivelle, M.N., Devoldere, B. & Haga, H. (2017). Final case study report focusing on cross-case analysis. MAKE-IT project report. Available at: http://make-it.io/deliverables/d3-2-final-case-study-report-focusing-on-cross-case-analysis/
Marschalek, i., Handler, K., Hofer, M., Schrammel, M. & Unterfrauner, E (2017). Responsible Research and innovation (RRI) – a critical reflection towards evaluation standards. In Carayannis, E.G.: Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship. New York: Springer.
Marschalek, I., Schrammel, M., Unterfrauner, E. & Hofer, M. (2017). Interactive reflection trainings on RRI for multiple stakeholder groups. Journal of Responsible Innovation. May 2017, p. 1-17. http://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/grXIRCZfKEngQeGSPUDw/full
Marschalek, ilse, & Hofer, M. (2017). Nano and the Public. Nature Nanotechnology, 12, 92. download article: http://rdcu.be/oqdN
Schrammel, M., Marschalek, ilse, Unterfrauner, E., & Hofer, M. (Eds.). (2016). Self-Reflection Tool. Fostering Responsible Research and Innovation. Vienna: Rema print.
Marschalek, i., Hofer, M., Handler, K. (2014). Werkzeuge für verantwortungsvolle Forschung? In: Bogner, A., Decker, M., Mahshid Sotoudeh, M. (eds). Responsible Innovation. Neue Impulse für die Technikfolgenabschätzung? Berlin, 2014.
Marschalek, ilse, Handler, K., Hofer, M. (Eds.), 2014. Nanotechnologies A Subject for Public Debate. Policy Recommendations on Public Engagement, NanOpinion reports. Vienna. Available at: http://results.nanopinion.eu/download/nanopinion_booklet.pdf
Hofer, Margit: Lehren und Lernen im Internet - neue Wege der Erwachsenenbildung? Graz 2002.
Hofer, Margit: ENIS- European Network of Innovative Schools. In: Karl Lehner, Josef Seiter: Netzbilder - Bildnetze. Unterrichtswelten in Veränderung 2. Wien 2000.
Hofer, Margit: Qualifikationskriterien von Kommunikationstrainer. Graz 1998.
Hofer, Margit: Neue Trends in Methoden und Anwendung lebensbegleitenden Lernens (E-learning) in Betrieben. In: Mosberger, B., Sturm R. (Hg.): Lernen ohne Ende. Wien 2005. ISBN: 3-85495-222-8
Kieslinger,B., Hofer, M.: Dissemination of a TEL Network - Strategies of dissemination and implementation of the ProLearn research network. Cape Town 2005. Proceedings ISBN:0-9544145-6-X
Wolpers, M., Hofer, M., Martin G.: Professional Learning in Europe and Beyond Structures for TEL-Research. In: Nejdl,W., Tochtermann, K. (Eds.): Innovative Approaches for Learning and Knowledge Sharing. Proceedings ISBN -10: 3-540-45777-1 Springer Berlin Heidelberg New York 2006.
Leyking, K; Chikova, P; Johnscher, P; Bohl, O; Hofer, M: Towards Technology-Enhanced Workplace Learning. Integrating Knowledge Management and Corporate Learning Processes. Workshop on Convergence of Knowledge Management and E-Learning. Konferenz für Professionelles Wissensmanagement 2007 (WM2007), Potsdam.
McCluskey, A. (with collaboration of Hofer, M. and Prof. Wood, D.): Schooling: A Sustainable Learning Organisation? Bern 2004.
Participation at events:
Social Software in der Bildung - Fachtagung
- Wien
02. 03. 2007 - 02. 03. 2007 -
Fit für das digitale Zeitalter!
- Wien, Festsaal des bm:bwk, Freyung 1
21. 10. 2005 -
PROLEARN Workshop during I-KNOW 05'
- Graz
29. 06. 2005 - 01. 07. 2005
Education and career:
Work experience
January 2004 - now
Centre for Social Innovation, Linke Wienzeile 246, A-1150 Wien, Austria
Research in eLearning
January 2004 - September 2014
Bundesministerium für Bildung und Frauen, Minoritenplatz 5, A-1014 Wien
Implementation of several IST/eContent/LLL projects in schools als Consultant
June 2004 - September 2005
Hogeschool INHOLLAND P.O. Box 3190 2601 DD Delft The Netherlands
Research on self directed learning and the evolving profile of eTeachers in electronic learning environments
March 1999 - Mai 2004
European Schoolnet, Rue de Treves, 61, 1040 Brussesls, Belgium
Pedagogical researcher for eLearning (didactic, pedagogical evaluation, project management)- Projects: MM1010, Valnet, Ernist, eSchola
March 1999 - January 2000
CEEL - Netherlands
Pedagogical researcher in eLearning for Logo Education
Project: NetLogo
October 1998 - February 1999
European Commission, DG XIII-C3 Information Society, Rue de la Loi 200, 1049 Brussels Belgium
traineeship: evaluation on pedagogical and didactical elements of eLearning projects
March 1998 - September 1998
Europazentrum Graz, Zinsendorfgasse 1, 8010 Graz
Trainee for further education (main activities and responsibilities: Organization of training events)
Education and Training
March 1998 - September 2002
Karl-Franzens Universität Graz
PhD in Further Education and Training, E-learning, scientific research
March 1993 - March 1998
Karl-Franzens Universität Graz
Master in Adult education, Further Education and Training, E-learning, scientific research, methods of evaluation
September 1988 - June 1992
BORG Radstadt - Focus on natural science (Mathematics, Physic, Biology, Chemistry)