SI-DRIVE report: “Theoretical approaches to Social Innovation – A Critical Literature Review”
Bereich: Arbeit & Chancengleichheit
The SI-DRIVE report delivers a comprehensive overview on the state of the art of theoretically relevant building blocks for advancing a theoretical understanding of social innovation. It collects different theoretical approaches which are conducive to a deeper understanding of social innovation. The chapters, focusing on (1) Theories of Social Change, (2) Social Innovation Studies and (3) Innovation and Management Studies, help to clarify the scientific concept of social innovation as a new combination or figuration of social practices. The report will guide the upcoming empirical research: the mapping of social innovation cases in the seven policy fields of SI-DRIVE as well as the deepening case study analysis.
The report is available here: D1_1 Critical Literature Review_final
Suggested citation
- Howaldt, Jürgen, Dmitri Domanski and Christoph Katletka (eds.) (2014): Theoretical Approaches to Social Innovation - A Critical Literature Review. A deliverable of the project: "Social Innovation: Driving Force of Social Change" (SI-DRIVE). Dortmund: Sozialforschungstelle.
AutorInnen: Kesselring, A., Scoppetta, A., Anna Butz, Anna Davies, Dmitri Domanski, Steven Dhondt, Jürgen Howaldt, Christoph Katleka, Ralph Kopp, Jeremy Millard, Peter Oeij, Dieter Rehfeld, Petra Schaper-Rinkel, Michael Schwarz, Petra Wagner-Luptacik...
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