
Evaluation of an Intervention Addressing the Employability Challenges of Hidden Vulnerable Groups in Malta

Bereich: Arbeit & Chancengleichheit

Our research aimed at the impact evaluation of an intervention which benefited people excluded from the labour market. The primary objective of this paper is to shed light on less commonly discussed barriers to employability, specifically the insufficient documentation affecting certain social groups such as migrants and LGBTQ+ individuals. The authors examined an innovative, yet relatively small-scale project undertaken in Malta [1]. This initiative aimed to assist disadvantaged and marginalised groups through legal counselling and rental subsidies, facilitating their full participation in the labour market. Qualitative methods were employed by the authors to evaluate the project, utilising the OECD evaluation criteria. The evaluation revealed that despite encountering challenges and falling short of its initial numerical targets, the project made significant strides in addressing critical gaps within Malta's support infrastructure for vulnerable groups. The authors found that the intervention is relevant and coherent, builds on a decade-long experience and research evidence. It has involved many other stakeholders, created synergies, adhered to high professional standards, empowered its beneficiaries, and already has a visible impact [2].

[1] The project was implemented by Aditus Foundation, a human rights NGO operating in Malta. It was  funded by the European Social Fund.

[2] This study is grounded in research conducted as part of the Lost Millennials project, which received funding from the EEA and Norway Grants. The focus was on examining the situation of individuals aged 25 and above who are NEETs across various European countries.

How to cite: Kósa, E. and Tschank, J., 2023. Evaluation of an Intervention Addressing the Employability Challenges of Hidden Vulnerable Groups in Malta / PP – FAR, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 37-53. DOI:

AutorInnen: Tschank, J., Kósa, E.

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Kategorie: Zeitschriften

Publikations Datum: 2024

Bezug: Online (download)