Tag: Balkan


Successful Kick-off of the SHER project in Prishtina
Western Balkans Steering Platforms supported by ZSI-coordinated project
Gender and inclusiveness: peer learning among projects
POLICY ANSWERS event series in Sarajevo
POLICY ANSWERS: Policy Dialogue on Aligning priorities in the Western Balkans
Promoting Youth Engagement in Science: A Successful Event in Banja Luka
Responsible Research and Innovation in the Western Balkans
ZSI-coordinated initiative selected as a Danube Strategy Flagship
Forschung auf dem Westbalkan rückt in EU-Nähe
ZSI-coordinated POLICY ANSWERS project supports high-level policy dialogue
Responsible Research and Innovation in the Western Balkans in the focus
POLICY ANSWERS sets out to support integration of the Western Balkans
'EU4TECH PoC' project has come to an end
First successful Horizon Europe project proposals at ZSI
Interest in EU research mobility schemes growing in the Western Balkans
Foresight study on Research and Innovation in the Western Balkans
HERAS+ Call for proposals for Research Grants open
Gastkommentar in der WIENER ZEITUNG: Corona-Stresstest am Balkan
Enhancing the innovation system in Kosovo
ResInfra@DR project starts series of Information Sessions
ZSI's work in the Western Balkans: promoting innovation, tackling brain drain
New WBC-RTI.INFO bulletin released
In Focus of WBC-RTI.INFO: Smart Specialisation in the Western Balkans
HERAS Call for Proposals open
Science and Research in Western Balkans | Some recent developments
In Focus of WBC-RTI.INFO: Steering Platform on Research for Western Balkans
In Focus of WBC-RTI.INFO: Joint Science Conference (JSC-WBP)
In Focus of WBC-RTI.INFO: Women in Science | Gender Equality
In Focus of WBC-RTI.info: Responsible Research and Innovation
WBC-RTI.info to support integration of WBC into ERA for the next 3 years
In Focus of WBC-RTI.INFO: Towards Evaluation Culture in Western Balkans
In Focus of WBC-RTI.INFO: "Regional Strategies for and with the Western Balkans"
Higher KOS fellowships
DerStandard: "Kein weißer Fleck" mehr auf der Forschungslandkarte
APA Science: "Westbalkan setzt Schritte in Richtung Europäischen Forschungsraum"
WBC-INCO.NET: Neues Web-Portal und Call for Contributions lanciert
EUREKA for smart regions: WBC-INCO.NET and SEE-ERA.NET PLUS contributions
Training on Research Project Management in Albania
Steering Platform on Research successfully held in Sarajevo
Date for the 11th Steering Platform on Research for WBC has been announced
New publication: R&D Cooperation with Western Balkans
Capacity building for RTDI in Bosnia and Herzegovina
ZSI organizes the Forum on research for Innovation in ICT


Smart Specialisation in EU Enlargement Countries
Meeting of the Western Balkans Steering Platform on Research and Innovation
The role of Southeast Europe How to maintain, build, and interconnect research and innovation infrastructures in Europe?
Ministerial Meeting of the Western Balkan Steering Platforms ...
MSCA Success Stories from the Western Balkans
Core Skills for Effective Science Communication
Steering Platform on Research and Innovation ...
Sustaining Responsible Research and Innovation in the Western Balkan
Webinar on “Spreading Citizen Science in the Western Balkans”
Embedding RRI into the Green Agenda in Western Balkans
From Strategy to Action: Lessons from Gender Equality Plans (Online)
Open Science, Innovation and Smart Specialisation
Training of Serbian Social Scientists
25th Steering Group Meeting of Priority Area "Knowledge Society" of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region
Policy Dialogue on Aligning Priorities in the Western Balkans
Engaging Science with and for Youth
Meeting of the Western Balkans Steering Platforms ... (online)
Successful Gender Equality Plans: Sharing experiences from the Western Balkans
POLICY ANSWERS Workshop on Anticipatory Science Advice in the Western Balkans
Meeting of the Western Balkans Steering Platforms ...
OpenScience Communication conference in Belgrade (Nov. 24-25)
WBC-RRI.NET Open Science and Open Access event
European Science Open Forum 2022
Thematic meeting of the network of Research Managers and Administrators
Kick-off meeting of the POLICY ANSWERS project
Responsible Research and Innovation – a requirement for excellence in research
Western Balkan Working Group on R&I and Open Science
Diplomacy on Stage
"Gender Equality Plan Development ...
European Science Open Forum - ESOF2020 Trieste
Western Balkans Research and Innovation Meeting
Horizon 2020 Training events in the Western Balkan Countries
Steering Platform on Research for Western Balkan countries
Workshop for 'enlargement countries' (WBCs and Turkey) on EU acquis on Research and Innovation (chapter 25)
12th Steering Platform on Research for Western Balkan Countries
11th Steering Platform on Research for Western Balkan Countries
Why Invest in Science in South Eastern Europe? International Conference and High Level Round Table


POLICY BRIEF Co-creating Responsible Research and Innovation activities: Experiences from the Western Balkan
Strategic Foresight in the Western Balkans: Recovery on the Horizon
Fostering an entrepreneurial culture in Western Balkans
Research and Innovation policy in Western Balkans – some recent developments
Methodology for Innovation Management
Knowledge And Technology Transfer Between Science And Business: Academic KTT Offices` Experience And Good Practise
Western Balkans Regional University Innovation Platform
Innovation Infrastructure in Western Balkan Countries
Science and Technology in the Western Balkans
R&D Cooperation with the West Balkan Countries


Sustainable Higher Education and Research in Kosovo
Twinning for excellence in non-invasive brain stimulation in Western Balkans
R&I POLICY making, implementation ANd Support in the WEsteRn BalkanS
Western Balkans Proof of Concept Scheme
Embedding RRI in Western Balkan Countries: Enhancement of Self-Sustaining R&I Ecosystems
Higher Education, Research and Applied Science in Kosovo
ISF Support for the Steering Platform on Research and Innovation for Western Balkan Countries Phase 2
Uptake of European Programmes in the CEEPUS cooperation area
Danube-INCO.NET (extended)
ISF Support for the Steering Platform on Research and Innovation for Western Balkan Countries
Inter-project coaching for FAITH ("Increasing the Financial Autonomy and Accountability in public higher education institutions in Kosova"
Information Platform | Western Balkan Countries | Research, Technology, Innovation
see-science.eu Information Office für die Steering Platform für S&T Zusammenarbeit mit dem Westbalkan
Ausbau von Netzwerke im Bereich der Informationsgesellschaft im westlichen Balkan
Higher KOS
Western Balkan countries INCO-NET Unterstützung im Bereich IKT
Steering Platform for the Western Balkan Countries
Strengthening the Strategic Cooperation between the EU and Western Balkan Region in the field of ICT Research