Tag: Horizon Europe


First successful Horizon Europe project proposals at ZSI
ZSI supporting research and innovation management in IMBG
ZSI-coordinated project created the EU Science Diplomacy Alliance
How insane is this?
Social Sciences and Humanities in Horizon Europe
ZSI organisiert Ratspräsidentschaftskonferenz zur Wirkung von Forschung aus GSK
Über die Mission, die Welt zu ändern
Social Sciences and Humanities - A Pumping Heart for European Research
Thesis Paper for FP9 published in Austria


Horizon Europe, Research and Innovation: where should science lead us?
"Gender Equality Plan Development ...
Europe and China: whose future are we heading towards?


The Lisbon Social Innovation Declaration - Social Innovation as a path to a sustainable, resilient and inclusive Europe
Fostering Impact and Sustainable Collaboration in FP9 within a new Common Research, Technology and Innovation Policy
Theses Paper for shaping the next (9th) EU-RTD Framework Programme


Evaluation of the European Framework Programmes for Research and Innovation: Global Challenges and Industrial Competitiveness related to the Green Transition
Assessing progress towards the ERA integration of the associated ENP countries
ISF Data Gathering on the participation of Switzerland and Israel to Horizon 2020
Fachliche Unterstützung betreffend Implementierung der Sustainable Development Goals ins neue EU-Forschungsrahmenprogramm FP9