Tag: Russia


Black Sea Horzon Workshop on the Black Sea Cooperation Programme
Ausschreibung für transnationale F&E-Projekte mit Russland
ERA.Net RUS Plus Call 2017 for Innovation Projects
Call for Evaluators
Foresight and STI Governance
Guide on Russian Innovation Stimulation Instruments published
ERA-NET Plus with Russia’ marks a new stage in EU-Russia science cooperation
Russia to create scheme to support Horizon 2020 involvement
Facilitating EU-Russian Scientific and Societal Engagement: Joint Efforts to Tackle Grand Challenges
New article: "EU and Russia uniting in the name of science"
Participation of the «New» EU Member States in the European Research Programmes
Funding opportunities in Research Policy & Development
ERA.Net RUS Plus Ausschreibung für Forschungsprojekte mit Russland
F&E-Ausschreibung mit Russland eröffnet
"Governance of Science, Technology, and Innovation"
Towards a vision for RTI cooperation between Russia and the EU
EU-Russia Year of Science has been launched!
The EU-Russia Year of Science 2014 starts in November 2013
ERA.Net RUS: Rückblick auf forsight workshops
Kick off: The BILAT-RUS-Advanced Project
ERA NET with Russia
New edition of FORESIGHT-Russia
INNO-Policy TrendChart
EU - Eastern Europe/Central Asia Cooperation in Research and Innovation: The way towards 2020


Evaluating foresight in transnational research programming
Guide on Russian Innovation Stimulation Instruments
FTA supporting effective priority setting in multi-lateral research programme cooperation: The case of EU–Russia S&T cooperation
Facilitating EU-Russian Scientific and Societal Engagement: Joint Efforts to Tackle Grand Challenges
Country Report Russia
Towards a vision for research, technology and innovation cooperation between Russia and the EU, its Member States and Associated Countries
New model for multilateral EU-Russia cooperation in the sphere of research and innovation under ERA-NET scheme
Overview of EU-Russia R&D and innovation cooperation published
Bilateral S&T Cooperation with Russia
INNO-Policy TrendChart report Russia
Article on ERA.Net RUS foresight published
Innovation Policy in Russia
Rules and Regulations for S&T Cooperation with Russia


ERA.Net RUS Plus
IncoNet EECA: S&T International Cooperation Network für Osteuropa und Zentralasien
Stärkung der bilateralen F&E-Partnerschaft mit der Russischen Föderation
Evaluation des Grundlagenforschungsprogramms an Hochschulen in Russland