Tag: SDGs


CoAct Call for Videos
Revisiting EU-Latin American and Caribbean relations
Eindrücke und Nachlese: SDG Impact Camp
International cooperation for tackling global biosphere and social challenges
SSH-Impact Pathways and SSH-Integration in EU Research Framework Programmes
Video: SDGs in EU-LAC relations
EULAC Focus panel discussion on SDGs
Join the EULAC Focus discussion on sustainable futures
S4D4C was at the BioVision 2018 Conference, in Alexandria
Facilitating a European Union Science Diplomacy
ZSI begleitete Konsultationsprozess für integrierte Energie- und Klimastrategie


Local tracking of SDGs achievement and links to EU-SPI
Citizen Science SDG Conference
Social(i)Makers SDG Impact Camp
Soziale Innovation als Managementansatz


Science Diplomacy in the Making: Case-based insights from the S4D4C project
Fostering the Sustainable Development Goals in Horizon Europe
Design and Development of National Strategies for International Cooperation in Research and Innovation
State-of-the-Art Report on Science Diplomacy
Research Trajectories on Social Issues in the EU, (CE)LAC and beyond. How the social dimension of the EU and (CE)LAC frame EU-(CE)LAC social relations
Africa-Europe Research and Innovation Cooperation
ASEAN-India Collaboration in Science & Technology: Evidence and Prospects
Fostering Impact and Sustainable Collaboration in FP9 within a new Common Research, Technology and Innovation Policy
Looking for in-depth knowledge on "Funding frugal Innovations" & on "Indo-European cooperation within the framework of FP7"?


Social Entrepreneurship Education and Development Hub (SEED-Hub)
Innovation for a Better World
Evaluierung des 'Beyond Europe' Programms
Fachliche Unterstützung betreffend Implementierung der Sustainable Development Goals ins neue EU-Forschungsrahmenprogramm FP9