Tag: ageing society


Celebration of final results of the TAAFE project
Newsletter - T.A.A.F.E. Towards an alpine Age-Friendly Environment
TAAFE-TRIO: Gemeinsame Reflexionen über den Weg zur altersfreundlichen Stadt
Arbeiten im Ausland als Karrierechance im Alter
Invitation to the LIST conference in Glasgow
Labour mobility in the ICT sector: Whats age got to do with it?
Newsletter No1 des LIST Projektes erschienen
PEER: Kostenlose Web 2.0 Tools, adaptiert für die Zielgruppe 50plus
Trainee in EU Projekten
Review: Final conference of the CE-Ageing Platform in Rome
PEER Projekt: Publikation von Leitlinien
Vorstellung des EU-Projekts „PEER“ am „Internationalen Tag der älteren Menschen“
Beiträge zum internationalen Tag der älteren Menschen am 1. Oktober
Registration for the final conference of the CE-AGEING PLATFORM still open!
Review: LinkAge project consortium met for the second time in Brussels, Belgium
ZSI: Beiträge zum Internationalen Tag der älteren Menschen am 1. Oktober
An invitation to the third/final CE- Ageing International Conference
Verlängerung des Konsultationsprozesses: Green Paper CE-AGEING STRATEGY
Verlängerung des öffentlichen Konsultationsprozesses zum Green Paper „CE-AGEING STRATEGY”
ZSI_Voices in April
Alternde Gesellschaft, Migration & Remigration
Öffentlicher Konsultationsprozess des Green Papers: „CE-AGEING STRATEGY“
Public consultation process on “GREEN PAPER CE-AGEING STRATEGY”
Strategie Papier: Ausgewogene Ansätze für eine alternde Erwerbsbevölkerung in Ballungsräumen
Final Conference of the EU-project AGE-WORK-BALANCE
Abschlusskonferenz des Projektes Age-Work-Balance
Regular e-newsletter of the CE-Ageing Platform (7th edition) on-line
CE-Ageing Platform: Fruitful discussions at the10th Week of Regions and Cities
Soziale Innovation und Aging Society: Perspektiven für die EU
PEER Newsletter No2: drei neue Berichte verfügbar
Joint Central European Ageing Vision 2050
Two ZSI projects are labelled as flagship projects of the EU Danube Region Strategy
EUSDR - Stakeholder Conference: representing ZSI-projects, networks & initiatives
ZSI presented two papers on the IFA 2012 conference
Virtual landscape of online social platforms for adults aged 50plus
4th CE-Ageing Platform newsletter published
Participatory assessment workshops in Berlin
PEER Website mit interessanten Features gelauncht
News from the Age-Work-Balance project
Internetseite mature-project.eu/toolbox gehört zu den besten im Weiterbildungs-Web
Go-myLife: Participatory involvement of older people in technology development
“CE-Ageing Platform” – Project Steering Committee meeting in Linz
2nd CE Ageing Platform newsletter issued
CE-Ageing Platform
Erneut positive Resonanz für mature@eu
mature@eu selected as good practice example
mature@eu in der Zielgeraden


Demography and ageing in the EU-SPI
Bildung im Alter: Luxus oder Notwendigkeit?
1st Peer Review & 1st CE-Ageing International Conference in Bratislava, Slovak Republic
First CE-Ageing International Conference


A Context-Aware Social Networking Platform Built Around the Needs of Elderly Users: The Go-myLife Experience
Labour Mobility in the ICT sector - What's age got to do with it? Employers' perception of labour mobility and older ICT workers
Motivational factors of older people's peer learning Methodology for participatory workshops
What facilitates older people’s learning on 50plus platforms and which kind of Web2.0 tools support them best?
Summative evaluation of Go-myLife
Testing of the Go-myLife platform
How to set up a win-win-situation in end-user involvement processes – the potential of participatory methods
Motivational factors of older people's peer learning
What facilitates older people’s learning on 50plus platforms and which kind of Web2.0 tools support them best?
Good practice on the (re-)integration of older long-term unemployed into the labour market
Testing social network platform for older people
Methodology of pilot testing and evaluation with older people
Older people's needs and requirements for social network platforms
Caring for family carers
mature@eu project: learning needs for staff recruiters
Active Ageing
Become an employer of choice.
Recruitment policies and practices


TAAFE "Hin zu einem altersfreundlichen Umfeld" (Interreg Alpine Space)
Open and Inclusive Healthcare for Citizens Based on Digital Fabrication
Labour Market Integration of Vulnerable Age Groups through Social Dialogue
LIST - Leveraging the Digital & ICT Competences of senior women to extenuate the knowledge divide
CaMEO - Career Mobility of Europe's Older Workforce
Central European Knowledge Platform for an Ageing Society
SIHA - Social Innovation in Healthy and Active Ageing
mature@EQF - European Qualification in age-diverse Recruiting
PEER - Sapere aude! Dare to be wise!
Transf DependenTic
Active Aging und TEPs


AGE Platform Europe