Tag: employment


The Lost Millennials project has launched!
Krise und Gesellschaft
Geflüchtete Frauen am Arbeitsmarkt
EmployID: new video provides an overview on project
Labour mobility in the ICT sector: Whats age got to do with it?
Jobausschluss: "Furcht vor Fremden bestimmt Handeln"
STRAT.AT report 2012
EU Kommissar László Andor zu Besuch am ZSI


Work and Employment - Possible Inputs to EU-SPI


Auf dem Weg zu mehr Zeit? Arbeitszeitverkürzung unter unübersichtlichen Rahmenbedingungen
Labour Mobility in the ICT sector - What's age got to do with it? Employers' perception of labour mobility and older ICT workers
Good practice on the (re-)integration of older long-term unemployed into the labour market


PES to PES Dialogue: Partnerships of Public Employment Services
CaMEO - Career Mobility of Europe's Older Workforce
Berufliche Dequalifizierung von Einwander/innen in Tirol: Verläufe und Interventionsmöglichkeiten