Tag: ethics


The ETHNA System final conference successfully organized
Open access book on the ETHNA System project results is OUT!
Strengthening public trust in science
First PRO-Ethics Policy Brief
Im Porträt: ZSI-Forscherin Dorothea Sturn
First PRO-Ethics Newsletter
PRO-Ethics launches its project website
How to integrate RRI into large research organisations?
PRO-Ethics Online Cross-Learning Workshop
Kick-off PRO-Ethics
medianet: "No-Go" - gekaufte Evaluationen


Mutual learning event: Implementing Open Science and Research Ethics
Connect. Collaborate. Create: PRO-Ethics' Final Conference
Responsible Research and Innovation – a requirement for excellence in research
1st Vienna Symposium on Machine Learning in Biology & Medicine
Digitale Souveränität: Der Handlungsspielraum zwischen Individuum und Gemeinschaft


Open Science Diplomacy for an Ethical and Trustworthy Global AI
Ethical issues in Citizen Science
Informed Consent Procedure Requirements and Challenges
Critical Issues Pertaining to a Code of Practice
VIP - Deliverable D6
VIP - Deliverable D11


Ethics Governance System for RRI in Higher Education, Funding and Research Centres
Participatory Real Life Experiments in Research and Innovation Funding Organisations on Ethics
Higher Education, Research and Applied Science in Kosovo