Tag: health


New Publication: Talking about practice
POLICY ANSWERS event series in Sarajevo
POLICY ANSWERS: Policy Dialogue on Aligning priorities in the Western Balkans
Subscribe to the STEP CHANGE Project Newsletter
Im Porträt: ZSI-Forscher Stefan PHILIPP
Kickstarter Campaign
Virtual kick-off of the BrainTwin project
CHERRIES launches Webinar series
CHERRIES project launches its brand-new website & prepares its first Newsletter!
Covid-19 Careables: made by U for U near U
CHERRIES project successfully launched with Kick-off meeting in Vienna
Was sind careables?
ZSI cooperates in lifting Ukrainian neuroscience research
DOIT at youth health conference
What are careables?
Case Management: Integrierte Versorgung für Menschen mit seltenen Krankheiten
Take part in the Final Conference of the INNOVCare project
Sign up now to the Careables newsletter!
Careables - sharing open healthcare
EU project calls for innovative co-creation processes in the health sector
INDIGO projects showcased results in Closing Event in Ghent, Belgium
Countdown activated! Final Showcasing Event by the INNO INDIGO POLICY projects
EU – Central Asia STI cooperation
Workshop and Networking Opportunities at the ASEAN-EU STI Days


Policy Dialogue on Aligning Priorities in the Western Balkans
Digitale Souveränität: Der Handlungsspielraum zwischen Individuum und Gemeinschaft
Policy Stakeholders´ Conference 'EU-Eastern Partnership STI Cooperation in Addressing Health Research and Innovation'
Einladung: SEA-EU-NET STI Days 2015 in Paris mit ExpertInnen-Inputs des ZSI
ASEAN-EU Science, Technology, and Innovation Days 2015


How to include schools in citizen science health studies: Practical experiences and lessons learned
The Covid-19 Response From Global Careables Makers


Foresight-on-Demand: Climate Change Adaptation and Societal Transformation
Science Transformation in EuroPe through Citizens involvement in HeAlth, coNservation and enerGy rEsearch
Constructing Healthcare Environments through Responsible Research Innovation and Entrepreneurship Strategies
Pan-European twinning to re-establish world-level Neuroscience Centre in Kiev
Open and Inclusive Healthcare for Citizens Based on Digital Fabrication
Roadmaps to Societal Mobilisation for the Advancement of Responsible Industrial Technologies
Innovative patient-centred approach for social care provision to complex conditions
SIHA - Social Innovation in Healthy and Active Ageing