Tag: lifelong learning


How to develop successful training formats and support Citizen Science projects?
New publications: validating informal competences of disadvantaged learners
Invitation to the LIST conference in Glasgow
Comparative Report on Diversity and Diversity Management in AT, CZ, PL and ES
Newsletter No1 des LIST Projektes erschienen
Trainee in EU Projekten
PEER Newsletter No2: drei neue Berichte verfügbar
Virtual landscape of online social platforms for adults aged 50plus
PEER Website mit interessanten Features gelauncht
Internetseite mature-project.eu/toolbox gehört zu den besten im Weiterbildungs-Web
Go-myLife: Participatory involvement of older people in technology development
Erneut positive Resonanz für mature@eu
mature@eu selected as good practice example
mature@eu in der Zielgeraden


Bildung im Alter: Luxus oder Notwendigkeit?


New Strategies to engage educationally disadvantaged people in adult education activities: An evaluation report
Labour Mobility in the ICT sector - What's age got to do with it? Employers' perception of labour mobility and older ICT workers
Analytical paper on the use of Lifelong Learning Programmes
DP 28: Implementing Innovative Structures in Lifelong Learning - A Social Innovation Process
weReurope handbook
mature@eu project: learning needs for staff recruiters
Recruitment policies and practices


inclusion & education
Diversity management in SME
SOMEP - Solving Crime through Social Media: Improving Vocational Competencies in Security Sector
Train Nutrition Seriously
LIST - Leveraging the Digital & ICT Competences of senior women to extenuate the knowledge divide
CaMEO - Career Mobility of Europe's Older Workforce
mature@EQF - European Qualification in age-diverse Recruiting
PEER - Sapere aude! Dare to be wise!
Transf DependenTic
REVIVE - Reviewing and Reviving Existing VET Curriculum
Access to Higher Education