Tag: maker movement


Building bridges for business between Europe and Africa
Launching mAkE - the African European Maker Innovation Ecosystem
Wenn Laien kreativ forschen
Re-discovering the value of open source in times of crisis
Covid-19 Careables: made by U for U near U
„DOIT Conference 2020“: The Power Of Being A Young Social Innovator
Want to find ideas and methods for making?
DOIT at youth health conference
What are careables?
Verändert das Maker Movement die Welt?
DOIT Online maker workshop goes live
Social(i)Makers: Tolle Ergebnisse 2018
ZSI project ranks 5th in competition on best early stage innovation in the EU
Culture meets technology – a maker workshop for Kids
ZSI launches knowledge discovery tool "Inspiratorium"
eCraft2Learn inviting for Craft- and Project-based Making
ZSI @ MiniMaker Fair Salzburg
Vote for ZSI! Thank you!
ZSI Project DOIT features @ Forbes
ZSI selected as one of 50 finalists for the EC‘s Innovation Radar Prize 2018
Social innovative Entrepreneurs
Sign up now to the Careables newsletter!
Tüftlerwerkstatt für SchülerInnen - Making for Kids
Participate! STEAM Learning during the IDC 2018
62. ScienceCenter Netzwerk-Treffen: Neues zur Wissenschaftsvermittlung
eCraft explained in two minutes
ZSI @ Interpädagogika 2017
Brauchen wir mehr Zusammenarbeit in der MakerInnen-Bewegung?
First steps done - the DO IT kick off
Maker Movement - media press article interviewing ZSI members
Was machen MAKER? Veranstaltungshinweis


The Covid-19 Response From Global Careables Makers


African European Maker Innovation Ecosystem
Company-Community Collaboration for Open Source Development of products and services
Digital fabrication and making for social innovators
Digital Fabrication and Maker Movement in Education
Collective Awareness Platforms for the Maker Movement: Peer Production, Value Creation and Governance