Tag: technology enhanced learning


New book: Responsive Open Learning Environments
ZSI recommends: EDULEARN14 conference
EmployID: Projekt im Februar 2014 gestartet!
Trainee in EU Projekten
Study on Assessing and Promoting E-Accessibility
PEER Projekt: Publikation von Leitlinien
ROLE at the Cloud Education Environments Workshop in Guatemala
The ViSH’s Big Christmas Opening
LehrerInnen gesucht !
Globalexcursion: Neue Technologien im Schulalltag
Neue Technologien im Schulalltag


Bildung im Alter: Luxus oder Notwendigkeit?


Responsive Open Learning Environments. Outcomes of Research from the ROLE Project
Motivational factors of older people's peer learning Methodology for participatory workshops
What facilitates older people’s learning on 50plus platforms and which kind of Web2.0 tools support them best?
‘Evaluation on Students’ and Teachers’ Acceptance of Widget- and Cloud-based Personal Learning


Connecting Science Learning Outside The Classroom
Train Nutrition Seriously
LIST - Leveraging the Digital & ICT Competences of senior women to extenuate the knowledge divide
ComeIn - Online Mobile Communities to Facilitate the Social Inclusion of Young Marginalised People
PEER - Sapere aude! Dare to be wise!
GLOBAL excursion
ROLE - Responsive Open Learning Environments
STELLAR Network of Excellence