Kick-off PRO-Ethics
23. Jan 2020
On January 20th and 21st ZSI organised PRO-Ethics´ kick-off meeting. Eight innovation funding organisations as well as seven expert organisations and the Project Officer came together to plan and discuss.
Verwandte Artikel:
- Projekt: Participatory Real Life Experiments in Research and Innovation Funding Organisations on Ethics
- News: PRO-Ethics Online Cross-Learning Workshop
- News: PRO-Ethics launches its project website
- News: First PRO-Ethics Newsletter
- News: Im Porträt: ZSI-Forscherin Dorothea Sturn
- News: First PRO-Ethics Policy Brief
- News: Winner of the PRO-Ethics Open Call
- News: Take part in the PRO-Ethics online consultation
- News: How can IT tools support participation in a responsible way?
- News: PRO-Ethics Workshop with RFOs & research ethics and integrity experts
- News: A long way to go for citizen involvement
- News: Ethical reviews in evaluation procedures boost quality and trust
- News: Considering participation across R&I will require sufficient buy-in
- News: Learnings from one year of PRO-Ethics
- News: How can we successfully involve citizens in R&I?
- News: What has PRO-Ethics learnt from engaging with research and innovation experts?
- News: Pilot Reflection Workshop in Brussels
- News: PRO-Ethics 3rd Cross-Learning Workshop
- News: Call for Contributions: Connect. Collaborate. Create. Conference in Paris
- News: Participation in research funding and implementation
- News: "Connect.Collaborate.Create." Conference successfully completed!
Tags: ethics
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