
ZSI-coordinated POLICY ANSWERS project supports high-level policy dialogue

30. Jun 2022

Ministerial Meeting of the Western Balkans Platforms on Culture, Research and Innovation, Education and Training

On June 27-28, the Ministerial Meeting of the Western Balkans Platforms on Culture, Research and Innovation, Education and Training was held in Tirana, Albania.

ZSI was deeply involved in the preparation of this high-level meeting under the coordination of Desiree Pecarz.

Elke Dall and Theresia Lippitsch on site supporting the event preparation and implementation
photo credit: Elke Dall, ZSI

13 Ministers and 2 State Secretaries participated in three Round Table discussions with Commissioner Mariya Gabriel and high-level officials from the EC such as Signe Ratso, Deputy Director General in DG Research and Innovation.

Ministerial meeting.
photo credit: Florion Goga, EU Delegation to Albania



For more information about the event (factsheet) and the conclusions, please visit the project website.

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Tags: Balkan, policy dialogue

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