
Methodology for Innovation Management

WBCInno Publications

Bereich: Forschungspolitik & Entwicklung

Recently, the TEMPUS funded WBCInno Project (Modernization of WBC universities through strengthening of structures and services for knowledge transfer, research and innovation), finalised several publications focusing knowledge and technology transfer, innovation management, strategic development of business incubators and science and technology parks as well as 5 catalogues on research and innovation potential of Universities of Kragujevac and Novi Sad (Serbia), Zenica and Banja Luka (Bosnia and Herzegovina) and University of Montenegro. The catalogues are published in english and local languages. All publications cn be downloaded from the projects website:

Centre for Social Innovation was involved in preparing in particular the following publications:

Western Balkans Regional University Innovation Platform

This Platform aims to support the development and growth of a range of KTT activities including commercialisation of research, collaboration between universities and enterprises, and establishing start-ups and spin-offs. It also considers the issues of managing and supporting these activities to optimise success as well as considering ways in which success can be measured and reported.

The report recognises that different universities are at different stages of development, have different strengths and opportunities, and consequently require different support mechanisms. This recognition is reflected in the proposals which are articulated through an Action Plan focusing on ensuring that the needs of each specific university in the Western Balkan countries can be met.

Knowledge And Technology Transfer Between Science And Business: Academic KTT Offices` Experience And Good Practise

The publication was intended to provide an overview of the knowledge and technology transfer services and their qualitative and quantitative comparisons. The most relevant KTT services recognized are assisting R&D collaboration, contract research projects and scientific/technological services, commercialization of R&D results by patenting, licensing and student projects with businesses. The publication also presents an assessment of different aspects of KTT in practices that can be applied by newly established offices in the Western Balkans region.

Besides the general issues on KTT modes, the publication also deals with the set of measures and incentives suitable to motivate the researchers to participate the KTT activities, as well as the set of metrics for assessment of the KTT offices performance.

Methodology for Innovation Management

The Methodology for Innovation Management deals with the different aspects of the innovation management process starting from definition of ten recommended innovation management techniques, across the intellectual property aspects, review of innovation cycle phases with financial aspects to the software innovation management support. All of these aspects are elaborated in the separate chapters. The Chapter Intellectual Property Aspects deals with the general IPR aspects in three countries of the WB region: Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Montenegro. The last chapter of this publication gives the detailed definition and description of Idea and Project Management workflows, along with the roles and responsibilities assigned within each of them. These workflows are applied in the software platform that will be developed in accordance with this Methodology.

Ines Marinkovic, Vesna Mandić, Vitomir Rašić, Jelena Jevtović, Tatjana Knežević, Lamija Subašić, Daniela Zlatić Šutić: Methodology for Innovation Management. 2014.

AutorInnen: Marinkovic, I., Prof. Dr. Vesna Mandić, University of Kragujevac, Serbia Vitomir Rašić, Intranea Solutions, Serbia Jelena Jevtović, University of Kragujevac, Serbia Tatjana Knežević, University of Montenegro, Montenegro...

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Tags: Balkan, innovation management, knowledge transfer, Southeast Europe

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Kategorie: Projekt Outputs

Publikations Datum: 2014

Bezug: Online (download)