Technology and Knowledge

ComeIn - Online Mobile Communities to Facilitate the Social Inclusion of Young Marginalised People

The main objective of ComeIn is to study and utilise mobile networks and telephones that are most commonly used by marginalised youth, as the main infrastructure for social inclusion. Using innovative real-time integrated communication video solutions, this project will develop a network media platform that will give rise to mobile online communities, delivering interactive media content specifically aimed at marginalised youth.
This approach combines the benefits of the inline community concept with an inclusive approach, realised through the most abundant device used by marginalised youth in Europe – mobile phones.
The goals of this exploratory project include:
* provide groups of marginalised youth with ICT based mobile online communities


Section: Technology and Knowledge


Tags: technology enhanced learning

Type: Research

Program: FP 7: Accessible and Inclusive ICT

Project Status: Finished

Start/End: 09/2008 - 08/2010

Project Duration: 24 months
