Forschungspolitik & Entwicklung


Assessing progress towards the ERA integration of the associated ENP countries

Assessment of the status quo of R&I systems and progress towards ERA integration of the Faroe Islands and the ENP countries Armenia, Georgia, Israel, Moldova, Tunisia, and Ukraine

The study consists of an  analysis of the status quo of R&I systems as well as an assessment of the progress of the Faroe Islands and the ENP countries Armenia, Georgia, Israel, Moldova, Tunisia, and Ukraine towards ERA integration (i.e. on each of the 6 existing ERA Priorities) plus additional aspects:

 Overview of the principles, objectives, modalities and instruments of the national Research and Innovation system

 Relations to the European Research Area

 Participation in Partnerships, Article 185 and Article 187 initiatives

 Participation in EU funded R&I initiatives.

 International Cooperation

 Participation in Research and e-Infrastructures

 Status of Open Science Policies

 Status of Open Innovation Policies

 Gender

 Ethics

The overview of the advancement of the current priorities serves to take stock of the existing policies before enhancing cooperation in the framework of the renewed ERA, and for the development of the future priorities in the countries at stake as well as for preparing the future Horizon Europe association negotiations.

ZSI was responsible for Georgia and Ukraine as well as the patent analysis for all scrutinized countries. ZSI experts were also engaged in quality assurance of the reports on Armenia and Moldova.

The provided services included:

  • Establishment of an adapted ERA progress monitoring methodology for the countries under scrutiny
  • Secondary data research (in the countries and at EU level)
  • Literature and document analysis
  • Drafting of assessment reports
  • Drafting of conclusions
  • Identification of drivers and barriers
  • Provision of input to the European Commission


Bereich: Forschungspolitik & Entwicklung

Förderer & Auftraggeber:


Tags: Eastern Europe, Eastern Partnership countries, European Research Area, Horizon Europe

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Typ: Forschung

Programm: International Service Facility of the EC, DG R&I

Projekt Status: Abgeschlossen

Einreichdatum: 10/2021

Laufzeit: -3 Monate

Von/Bis: 10/2021 - 06/2021