Arbeit & Chancengleichheit
The Empowerment of Local People through lifelong learning strategies as a method within the local employment development (LED)
The partnership combined the general focus on “Local employment development” affairs. One field of activity in this wide area was the "empowerment of local people in Metropolitain areas”. Within this learning partnership we watched on this area from a “lifelong learning perspective”.
On a National and on a EU-level the implementation of a lifelong learning (LLL) strategy was promoted as a successful strategy to empower the people. But how did it work on a local level? How did it work with groups of disadvantaged people like migrants, older learners, volunteers, Roma people, unemployed people, women? A deeper knowledge in terms of exchange of experience was helpful for assessing and unlocking the potential of local employment development strategies.
The main goal was an exchange of experiences in empowerment methods by means of lifelong learning approaches and to learn from the different successful local approaches and new pilot projects who were already existing within the partnership, such as:
- neighbourhood management
- Education counselling and mobile education counselling
- Outdoor training for undereducated or unemployed adults - special training methodology for education and skill balance
- LLL training for local employment agents
- Innovation agent which promotes professional insertion or re-insertion of women in the labour market in a sector in which they are unrepresented.
- Districts Training plans for unemployed people
- Magª. Petra Moser (Projektleitung)
- DI Dr. Anette Scoppetta
Bereich: Arbeit & Chancengleichheit
- ciofs-fp
- Documenta
- Dublin Employment Pact
- Gemeente Emmen
- gsub Projektegesellschaft mbH
- Lawaetz-Stiftung
- MetropolisNet (Coordinator)
Typ: Bildung
Programm: Lifelong Learning Programme
Projekt Status: Abgeschlossen
Einreichdatum: 02/2010
Laufzeit: 22 Monate
Von/Bis: 10/2010 - 07/2012