Motivational factors of older people's peer learning Methodology for participatory workshops
Bereich: Technik & Wissen
This deliverable is prepared within the WP2 of the PEER project, namely WP2: ‘Peer-to-Peer learning methods for older people. As the first deliverable within this WP, its aim is to define the methodology for research based on participatory user-involvement workshops of the motivational aspects for older people’s peer learning on social network platforms, in particular on platforms for 50+ adults.
By doing so, the workshops which contribute to guide the research performed in other WPs when considering the preferences and needs of the end-user.
AutorInnen: Schäfer / Schaefer, T., Schwarz-Woelzl, M.
Verwandte Artikel:
- Projekt: PEER - Sapere aude! Dare to be wise!
Kategorie: Projekt Outputs
Publikations Datum: 2013
Bezug: Online (download)