
Fostering Impact and Sustainable Collaboration in FP9 within a new Common Research, Technology and Innovation Policy

Section: Research Policy & Development, Institut

"Fostering Impact and Sustainable Collaboration in FP9 within a new Common Research, Technology and Innovation Policy" is the second paper published by the  Austrian FP9 Think Tank. The Think Tank was created in May 2016 in order to develop ideas for a future European Research, Technology and Innovation (RTI) policy, and specifically a more effective and efficient Framework Programme.

The second paper of the Austrian FP9 Think Tank makes more concrete suggestions for the future of the EU’s RTI policy. The paper does not represent the position of the Austrian government but is meant to be an expert’s input to the ongoing discussions on national and European levels.

Authors: Schuch, K., André Martinuzzi, Wolfgang Polt, Matthias Weber


Tags: European Research Area, Horizon Europe, policy analysis, research and innovation policy, SDGs

Category: Online

Publication Date: 2017-03-31

Procurement: Online (download)